What Do You Get For Being Our Customer?
Being our customer is like a breath of fresh air. We see firsthand the fear of the unknown in many of our customer's eyes. By working on your behalf we provide you peace of mind. As your Consultant we advise and help you to find the best contractors to hire. We provide the estimates and you choose from among highly qualified contractors in our city, there are no bad choices. We are more than just consultants; as your Quality Control we only allow the best, most affordable products to choose from and best combinations suited for you and your home. As your Project Manager we coordinate the entire scope of work from start to finish. Making sure everything is done orderly and on time, so you don't need to lift a finger. As your Inspector we hold the contractor you have chosen, fully accountable for the installation process. Inspections are documented throughout the time work is being performed to ensure protocols are being followed. The final inspection will be completed once the project is finished, and you only pay when the inspection has been passed. Without a doubt, this is the best and only service people should use when replacing their roof. We are the best choice to have us work for you because we do not charge extra! In fact, we are cheaper than a competitive roofing contractor!
Please read the ‘Our Contractors’ Section. Our aim is to help people with a Win-Win scenario between Our Customer and Our Contractors. Our hand-picked tradesmen thoroughly enjoy working with us!
How Are We Cheaper?
There are 2 factors that make us more cost effective.
Factor #1
We understand that all money spent is a form of investment. For example, buying nutritious food would be considered a good investment for your health. Now, is your investment with a roofing contractor the same as with us? No. A portion of your invested money comes back to you in the form of materials. Your home will have more value. Its kind of like taking money out of one pocket and putting it into the other "pocket", being your home. For every $1000 invested with a roofing company they give you about $290- $350 worth of materials. We give you back about $410-$490. While you pay the same amount, more comes back in the form of materials, more value is added to your home at the same cost.
Factor #2
Our higher quality installation coupled with higher quality products means your roof will live to its fullest potential. Our shingles have hail resistance- assuring peace of mind. Knowing all future problems and repairs will be limited if not completely eliminated. And of course a generous workmanship warranty is always included.
Why Are We Cheaper?
We believe the 'WHY?' is fundamental. Why do we want to provide all this extra service and yet save you money? Bottom line, we truly care about you. This may sound unrealistic, but it is absolutely the reason we are performing this service. While most companies may make this claim, can they back it up? Sadly, while we repair their mistakes, it proves they really don't care.
Caring for someone involves action, we have take action to deliver great services, at the lowest cost possible.
The roofing industry does not have the greatest image, and the consumer pays for it. The way we eat, the way we shop, the way we communicate changes every year. So why has the roofing industry not changed? Materials have changed so why has the service not? We are changing this, for your benefit! No more are the days people blindly hope their contractor does as they claim! National Roof Consulting is improving your experience.